Once summer hits, most parents think that they are in the clear in terms of illness. Although this can certainly be true in terms of colds and upper respiratory infections, summer still has its fair share of illnesses. In this blog, we will give you more information regarding two of the most common summer illnesses. [Read more…] about The 411 on Summer Illnesses
Summer Sun Safety
It wasn’t long ago that we would think nothing of sitting on the beach without sunscreen or worse, covered in baby oil. Sunburns never seemed that dangerous in that they would fade in a day or two and your skin was left with a nice glow. Our knowledge has changed over the years, and we now know that sun exposure of any kind can be harmful without the proper protection. The sun’s UV rays can cause damage to the skin in as little as 15 minutes. Prolonged damage from time in the sun is a setup for skin cancer. [Read more…] about Summer Sun Safety
Doctors’ Pediatric Presents Helpful Tips When Traveling With Your Child
When traveling with your child this summer, you may find yourself in need of advice. Doctors’ Pediatric offers online resources from the American Academy of Pediatrics. These handouts cover various topics ranging from everyday concerns such as sun safety and car seats to other topics such as illness and mental health. Click here to see the full directory. [Read more…] about Doctors’ Pediatric Presents Helpful Tips When Traveling With Your Child
Is your kid F.O.S. – full of stool?
Despite common knowledge, constipation is one of the most frequent childhood ailments that we see. Most individuals assume that constipation means a complete lack of bowel movements or difficulty having bowel movements. This assumption is not wrong, but it only encompasses one aspect of constipation. In fact, the most common type of constipation that pediatricians see is a child who actually stools once or more a day. For many parents this is confusing and often not believable. The following information should help to demystify and simplify constipation. [Read more…] about Is your kid F.O.S. – full of stool?
Dr. Renda’s Remedies For Common Breastfeeding Issues/ Concerns
My baby always falls asleep while nursing, and then she/he is hungry a ½ hour later.
When babies are first born it is natural for them to sleep about 16 – 18 hours a day. This can present a challenge when trying to nurse a newborn and provide adequate nutrition. One of the most common complaints from even the most experienced mother is that her baby falls asleep 2 – 3 minutes into the breastfeed. This makes sense for a multitude of reasons. (1) Naturally sleepy baby (2) Nursing naturally relaxes and creates a setup for a sleepy newborn (3) Newborns tire out quickly. The first two issues will get better with time as baby grows. The third issue is something with which we can help. [Read more…] about Dr. Renda’s Remedies For Common Breastfeeding Issues/ Concerns
Lyme Disease – Fact and Fiction
With the warmer weather, we are already starting to see the ticks come out. Lyme disease is both a controversial and anxiety-ridden topic for many individuals. We hope that we can provide some information and education to shed light on this very charged topic. [Read more…] about Lyme Disease – Fact and Fiction
Understanding Viral Illnesses Versus Bacterial Illnesses
With winter weather finally being in full swing, various illness are starting to take hold. Coughs, colds, vomiting, diarrhea – you name it, it’s out there. In fact, many of you may be experiencing one or more of these in your own home. Often the most difficult thing for parents is knowing what whether to wait it out or get it checked out. Another common concern is whether an illness requires antibiotics or not. [Read more…] about Understanding Viral Illnesses Versus Bacterial Illnesses
Winter Health Topics
With the gluttony of the holidays behind us, January is a perfect time to start fresh. Large goals are often hard to achieve, so it may be wise to start small with those New Years Resolutions. Don’t let yourself get into a “winter rut” now that the holiday dash is over. Here are some tips to ensure a happy and healthy start to your New Year: [Read more…] about Winter Health Topics