Now a Word From Your Pediatricians…..
Physical Distancing and Social Togetherness
Now that CT has opened up quite a bit, and our COVID numbers are low, we wanted to take an opportunity to go over a few points to keep everyone safe while also nourishing the soul. [Read more…] about Now a Word From Your Pediatricians…..
CHADIS? Is this spam?
CHADIS? Is this spam? If your child has had a well exam in the past month, you’ve probably received an email from CHADIS and have wondered if it’s spam…. It is not. CHADIS is an online library of age-appropriate screenings. These screenings are a standard of care and are recommended by the AAP and most insurance companies. The screenings help your doctor to diagnose and manage health, behavioral, developmental, and emotional issues. CHADIS enables parents to fully express their concerns and “visit priorities” prior to the visit. This allows for more quality time during the well-child visit as it ensures these issues are appropriately addressed. In some cases, CHADIS may help detect issues early before the signs are present. This is an invaluable tool, please make sure you complete it
Is CHADIS billed to insurance?
Yes, any and all CHADIS screenings will be billed to your insurance company. If they are not a covered service under your insurance plan you will only be billed for the value of one screening even if, based on age, multiple screenings are completed. The maximum you would be billed is $25.00.
How does CHADIS work?
The parent will be given a user name. The user name is the email that we have on file*. Each child in the family will be attached to that user name. The day before a scheduled visit, you will receive an email, from CHADIS, letting you know that there are screenings ready for you to complete. Depending on the child’s age, it may only be the visit priorities. You will also receive a text message from us, reminding you to complete CHADIS before the visit.
For the Whys and Whats of CHADIS:
* In some cases, a different user name will be needed. Your user name, if different than email, will be communicated to you.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Distancing
The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Distancing
The Big picture and the Small Details
Big Picture
The economy and society are opening up, and it can be very confusing to know what we should and should not be doing to keep ourselves safe right now. The good news is that we are in a much better place regarding COVID 19 than we were in March. We have managed to decrease the numbers of COVID infections effectively. The “not so good news” is that we only managed to be so successful due to social distancing. [Read more…] about The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Distancing
Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
Our very own Dr Agoglia and her daughter Becca Cohen, a college freshman, have been busy writing a fun, educational story about a girl and her Teddy bear and their learning experience during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
It’s the first book they have written and they are excited to share it with you! We would love for you to read it and let us know how you like it.
Hope you enjoy it!
What should your plan be as society slowly reopens?
Towards the end of the month, CT will slowly start a staged reopening. Before each new stage is
realized, the state will have to reach certain standards in regards to the COVID virus. Some individuals
are overjoyed that they will soon be able to sit in a restaurant or enter a retail store. Other individuals
are filled with a sense of anxiety and dread as this new phase starts. It is easier to adhere to certain
guidelines when rules are very black and white. The staged opening presents a gray area for many
people as to how they should act and what they should be thinking. [Read more…] about What should your plan be as society slowly reopens?
Doctors’ Pediatric News
Doctors’ Pediatric News
We hope that this message finds you all safe….and sane!
Knowing that we all need to find a new normal, we have adapted some changes related to the importance of separating children based on age and vulnerabilities. We will also continue to follow guidelines to keep you safe as we learn more about COVID 19. [Read more…] about Doctors’ Pediatric News
The Open Air/Outdoor Well Visit…….
Doctors’ Pediatric is pleased to announce the start of our Open Air/Outdoor Well Visit. We remain committed to patient safety during this uncertain time. Not only does that include safety from COVID-19 exposure, but it also means keeping up with well child exams and appropriate vaccines. Now, more than ever, we need to be diligent with vaccine schedules so that society does not see a rise in vaccine preventable diseases while we do our best to tamp down COVID-19. The first wave of patients (besides children 2 and under) that we will target for well child visits/vaccines include 4/5 years old, 11 years old, and college bound children. These patients have the most urgent vaccine needs at this time.