In this time of uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus, we wanted to reassure you that we are being proactive in preparing for what may be ahead. We feel caution is prudent but there is no need for alarm.
The doctors and management of CPP are addressing this threat at multiple levels. Our primary concern is that of the health and safety of all our patients and our staff.
We will be implementing certain infection control protocols to keep everyone safe.
First, prior to booking any appointment, all calls will be screened for established risk factors for COVID-19.
People with no risk factors but who have symptoms that could be consistent with COVID-19 will be instructed to go from their cars directly into predetermined examination rooms. Office personnel with appropriate personal protective equipment will then care for those individuals. Of course, appropriate cleaning of the room will occur once that patient has left.
We already try and reserve rooms for well visits, but will dedicate special rooms for the care of healthy newborns.
In addition, we will be activating an option for telemedicine visits for select set of issues/complaints.
We are monitoring the CDC and the CT State Dept. of Health websites checking for updates, and as things evolve, we will adjust our protocols.