In addition to providing routine pediatric care for our patients, Doctors’ Pediatric also offers the following services:
Dr. Meredith Renda offers lactation services as a Certified Lactation Specialist. Not only does she have experience on a professional level, Dr. Renda also has personal experience, having breastfed all three of her children, including twins. Breastfeeding has always been one of Dr. Renda’s passions, and she is very excited about this program.
All mothers that wish to breastfeed in any capacity will have an automatic one-time visit with a lactation specialist between day of life 5 and 8 for the baby. This will serve as a weight check as well as lactation support. Babies will go back to their primary doctor for all other visits.
Support Services for Mom and Baby
- Breastfeeding guidance (latching, positioning, etc.)
- Breast pump instruction (pumping and building a supply, returning to work)
- A solution to breastfeeding issues (engorgement, soreness, plugged ducts)
- Emotional support
- Milk Supply concerns
- Breastfeeding Multiples
- Resolutions to poor weight gain in baby
- Proper weaning techniques
In addition to Dr. Renda, Drs. Agoglia (in Ridgefield) and Macken (in Wilton) are available to serve in a supportive role when breastfeeding issues arise. They work closely with Dr. Renda in this endeavor.
ImPACT Testing
ImPACT is a sophisticated, research-based computer test developed to help clinicians evaluate an individual’s or athlete’s recovery following a concussion. ImPACT is a 20-minute neurocognitive test that has been scientifically validated to measure the effects of sports-related concussions. In the preseason, each athlete is given a baseline test. If a concussion is suspected, a follow-up test is administered to see if the results have changed from the baseline. This comparison helps clinicians to diagnose and manage the concussion. Follow-up tests can be administered over days or weeks so clinicians can continue to track the individual’s or athlete’s recovery from the injury.