Towards the end of the month, CT will slowly start a staged reopening. Before each new stage is
realized, the state will have to reach certain standards in regards to the COVID virus. Some individuals
are overjoyed that they will soon be able to sit in a restaurant or enter a retail store. Other individuals
are filled with a sense of anxiety and dread as this new phase starts. It is easier to adhere to certain
guidelines when rules are very black and white. The staged opening presents a gray area for many
people as to how they should act and what they should be thinking. [Read more…] about What should your plan be as society slowly reopens?
Doctors’ Pediatric News
Doctors’ Pediatric News
We hope that this message finds you all safe….and sane!
Knowing that we all need to find a new normal, we have adapted some changes related to the importance of separating children based on age and vulnerabilities. We will also continue to follow guidelines to keep you safe as we learn more about COVID 19. [Read more…] about Doctors’ Pediatric News
The Open Air/Outdoor Well Visit…….
Doctors’ Pediatric is pleased to announce the start of our Open Air/Outdoor Well Visit. We remain committed to patient safety during this uncertain time. Not only does that include safety from COVID-19 exposure, but it also means keeping up with well child exams and appropriate vaccines. Now, more than ever, we need to be diligent with vaccine schedules so that society does not see a rise in vaccine preventable diseases while we do our best to tamp down COVID-19. The first wave of patients (besides children 2 and under) that we will target for well child visits/vaccines include 4/5 years old, 11 years old, and college bound children. These patients have the most urgent vaccine needs at this time.
In keeping with the ever-changing guidelines during this pandemic, the newest recommendation is to continue to have well child checks for children 2 and under. This recommendation stems from the fact that these children are most at risk if not receiving vaccines in a timely manner. The recommendations state that older children should postpone their well check for the future.
The doctors at Doctors Pediatric feel strongly that this is the correct guidance to keep everyone as safe as possible. We are, however, equally concerned that we are going to miss some important health concerns for children over 2 years of age. Considering that the well child visit could be put off by several months, we are encouraging families to set up a Televisit to discuss pertinent issues. If nothing else, it will give the doctors a chance to ask some general health and mental health questions to make sure that we are not overlooking any preexisting or blooming problems.
Please call the front desk and reach out to us so that we may do an interim Televisit to make sure that your child is healthy and emotionally well. If you already have a well visit that we are postponing, we can honor that time slot with a Televisit.
A Few Tips for Our New Normal
Although many of us are so fortunate to be isolated at home with heat/food/technology/loved ones, we can’t deny that our new normal is a challenge. We are balancing work and children in tight quarters. Emotions are running high, and it is easy to lose sight of any gratitude during the day. Please practice self care. Our Televisits are up and running. Please reach out to us. We are just as much “here” for you regarding your emotional health as your physical health.
Answers to Frequently Asked COVID-19 Questions…….
A quick word from your Doctors’ Pediatric staff:
Schools and activities are now closed in our area. This is the right thing to do to flatten the curve and slow the spread of COVID-19. As citizens we NEED to do our part now. Please stay home, avoid play dates, birthday parties, outings. It is going to be a marathon, not a sprint. As medical providers, we are doing our best, but we need your help. Take self- care measures, but take them at home. This will pass and we will enjoy each other again.
[Read more…] about Answers to Frequently Asked COVID-19 Questions…….
COVID-19 and Office Precautions
In this time of uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus, we wanted to reassure you that we are being proactive in preparing for what may be ahead. We feel caution is prudent but there is no need for alarm.
The doctors and management of CPP are addressing this threat at multiple levels. Our primary concern is that of the health and safety of all our patients and our staff.
We will be implementing certain infection control protocols to keep everyone safe. [Read more…] about COVID-19 and Office Precautions
Winter is Here…. and so are the various illnesses!
Winter is Here…. and so are the various illnesses! Coughs, colds, vomiting, diarrhea – you name it, it’s out there. In fact, many of you may be experiencing one or more of these in your own home. Often the most difficult thing for parents is knowing what whether to wait it out or get it checked out. Another common concern is whether an illness requires antibiotics or not.
[Read more…] about Winter is Here…. and so are the various illnesses!